Hurricane Season is upon us, and we want to offer some suggestions to be sure you are prepared if we are threatened with a potential hurricane.
It is a good time to check your Homeowners policy. All residential unit owners should consider homeowners insurance (called a HO-6 policy) for their condominiums. In addition to providing coverage for all items described in Florida Statutes this particular policy also provides $2000.00 (this amount could vary by company and some companies may offer an option to purchase an additional amount) in assessment coverage for covered perils. The “hurricane” deductible” in the Associations policy is 5% of the total insured amount or $1,532,565.00. In the event of a catastrophic loss an assessment would be imminent. An explanation of “loss assessment coverage” provided by our Insurance Company is attached for your review along with a document explaining Hazard Insurance coverage responsibilities for unit owners and condominium associations based on compliance with Florida Statutes. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact your insurance agent.
Flood Insurance: Following the amendment of the flood map we are in zone CX which does not require flood insurance. If your unit is located in an area susceptible to flood (rising water) please discuss with your insurance agent.
*Clear the common area of all items that could become a projectile during the storm. (If residents have potted plants in the common area please move them under the stairwell.)
* Power down the gate system and secure all gates in opened position.
* If a storm is imminent, all elevators will be returned to the 4th floor, the power will be turned off and the cab will be parked on the 4th floor The elevator will not be operated during the storm.
RESIDENTIAL “To Do”: list once a “Warning” is issued.
*: If residents have potted plants in the common area please move them under the stairwell.
*Clear balconies of any items that could become a projectile. Place these items inside of your unit. Consider removing outdoor balcony fan blades.
*Designate a Safe Room – Designate a room in your unit that provides the most shelter from the storm – a room with no windows.
*Stay tuned – Keep the TV tuned to emergency frequencies, the local news, or the weather channel for regular updates.
*Charge all electronics – All residents should charge cell phone, camera & laptop batteries and consider purchasing backup batteries.
*Prepare your vehicle – Residents should fill up their cars with gas and check tire pressure.
*Stock up on supplies that you will need if the power goes out…water, food that does not need refrigeration etc. It is recommended that you prepare for 7 days.
*Set freezer & fridge to Coldest settings – this will protect your food for as long as possible if electricity is lost.
*Protect Personal Property: Consider moving valuable items away from windows and doors.
* Towels placed in your windowsills and across the door thresholds will minimize any potential damage caused by wind driven rain.
COMMERCIAL “To Do” list:
*Bring all furniture etc. inside during the storm
Generators are not permitted on balconies or in garages or enclosed areas. Generators must be on the ground floor and 25’ from the building.
Report any damage/ water intrusion by calling 386-478-8876.