22-Rules and Regs

Under Florida law, owners are responsible for the actions of all children, family members, guests and lessees.   All are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner and in such a manner as not to disturb others.

Owners – please make your guests aware of these rules and regulations.

Condominium living is all about everyone getting along. Make sure you know the rules and regulations!

Rules and Regulations

Construction Regulations

Property Modifications

Parking Regulations

Gate Access Instructions

Roof Access Policy

Moving Regulations

Pet Rules

Dumpster Use

©Copyright 2025 Tuscany Square Condominiums | All Rights Reserved

Tuscany Square Rules and Regulations

Last Revision: February 22, 2024

This is a summary of the Rules and Restrictions that currently exist in the following Documents:

  • Venetian Bay HOA Covenants and Restrictions
  • The By-Laws of the Association section IV Restrictions on Use and Occupancy
  • By-Laws of the Association Article XVII Rules and Regulations

The Unit Owners shall, always, obey said rules and regulations and shall use their best efforts to see that they are faithfully observed by their families, guests, invitees, servants, lessees, and persons over whom they exercise control and supervision. Said initial rules and regulations are as follows:

A residential unit owner may use his unit as a single-family residence only. There are no restrictions regarding children. For the safety of all residents and guests, children should not play, ride bicycles, skateboards, or other motorized vehicles in the community driveway. Surveillance cameras have been installed around the premises to enhance the safety and wellbeing of all residents. The cameras shall attempt to identify unauthorized entry into Tuscany Square, illegally parked vehicles, individuals responsible for property damage, and dog owners who violate the by-laws of the Association.

Other restrictions include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. PETS: (Amended 1/28/2021) The only permitted pets shall be dogs [not to exceed 20 pounds each), cats, birds, and fish. No more than 2 four-legged animals shall be permitted to reside in a unit. The owners of the pet must pick up all solid waste of their pet and dispose of such waste appropriately. Note also that dogs are not permitted to urinate in landscaped areas either on the rocks or in the shrubs. The urine smell remains until it rains, and the urine has a negative effect on the health of the shrubs and trees that are planted in these areas. All dogs and cats must be kept on a leash no more than six (6) feet in length at all times when outside the Unit and shall be walked only within areas, if any, designated for such purpose by the Association or the Master Association. All owners of pets are required to clean up all pet droppings deposited on the Common Elements and must supply his/her own waste removal bags. The pet may not be left unattended when outside the Unit and may not be tied or tethered to any objects outside. The owner, tenant, or guest must maintain complete control over the leashed pet at all times when outside the Unit. The pet may not roam or wander. In the elevators, the pet must be under the handler’s control at all times. Pets are not permitted to relieve themselves on the sidewalks, parking lot or other hard surfaces in the community. Should this occur, Owner, tenant or guest must immediately and thoroughly clean the affected area.

If the above rules are not followed, the Board will levy cleanup charges on the pet owner, and, if noncompliance persists, will require removal of the pet from Tuscany Square. (Section 18.6 Declaration of Condominium-Tuscany Square and Section 2.13 Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Venetian Bay Subdivision provide the Board with full authorization to execute these actions).

  • First offense: $50.00 cleanup charge and a warning letter outlining the violation.
  • Second offense: $100.00 cleanup charge
  • Third offense: 100.00 cleanup charge and removal of pet from Tuscany Square.

The Association reserves the right pursuant to Florida Law addressing nuisances and/or safety and health concerns, to require removal of the pet at any time should the pet become a nuisance to, or a threat to the health and safety of, others which includes, but is not limited to: excessive barking; biting, aggressive behavior (including nipping and lunging); attacking persons or other animals; Owner’s, tenant’s or guest’s failure to immediately and properly dispose of excrement or waste; failure to comply with all statutes and local ordinances and statutes related to the animal (including any required licenses or tags)l not maintaining the animal on a maximum six foot leash at all times when outside of the Unit; insect/extermination problems; sanitation/odor problems; and/or Owner’s tenant’s or guest’s inability to control the animal.

  1. MOVE-IN/MOVE-OUT: Prior to Move In, all residential sales or leases must be preceded by an “Application for Purchase/Lease” which is found on the Tuscany Square website: https://tuscanysquarecondominium.org/realtors-checklist/. This application will include an area to indicate the move in date.  We will have the elevator padded.  Please notify the Association if that date changes. No unit shall be sold or leased unless the owner first receives an approval email from the Association which will be sent when we receive confirmation that all assessments have been paid in full. 

Residents moving out of the complex should notify the Association by submitting a Maintenance Request form on the website. Maintenance Request Form – Tuscany Square I Condominiums (tuscanysquarecondominium.org). Please include the date you are moving out.  This will allow time to pad the elevators.

A $300 refundable deposit must accompany a move-in/move-out notification. This deposit should be placed in a sealed envelope with the owner/resident’s name, unit number and date of move. This envelope can be placed in the white drop box on building 6 by the maintenance office. This amount will be used to pay for any damage that may occur to the common areas, including the elevator, stairwells, hallways, etc. Our maintenance staff will pad the elevator cab to protect it from damage. 

After the move is completed, a member of the maintenance staff and/or condo board will review the condition of the common areas and provide a list of the damages, if any, to the owner of the unit. Any refund due will be processed as soon as any damaged common areas have been repaired. If the damage exceeds the deposit, the moving/delivery company/personnel shall be billed. If no damages are incurred, the deposit check will be returned to the owner/tenant.

NO large, bulky items such as furniture, appliances, etc. can be transported in the elevator unless protective padding has been installed. Please submit a maintenance request at https://tuscanysquarecondominium.org/helpful-forms/maintenance-request-form/ to have pads installed.

Moving is NOT permitted before 8:00 am or after 7:00 pm. If you need to move in or out on a Sunday, please make special arrangements for permission by submitting a maintenance request at https://tuscanysquarecondominium.org/helpful-forms/maintenance-request-form/  

  1. PARKING: (Amended 02.22.2024, Implemented 03.11.2024) Per the Second Amendment to the Declaration
    recorded on 5/2/2008 under the paragraph heading Parking (5) which describes the assignment of parking
    garages and uncovered spaces it is noted that “All commercial parking areas are located on Tract T or the
    outside parking lot pursuant to Easement Grant, or an adjacent dedicated right-of-way.” No commercial owner
    or employee parking is allowed within the gated areas of the complex.

    No parking on the Right of Way. There are two signs clearly posted at the gated entrance that state this. The
    Right of Way is defined as the U-shaped driveway on the interior of the complex. No motor vehicle shall be
    parked on the Right of Way in a manner that obstructs the safe, free flow of vehicular traffic or obstructs the
    movement of other vehicles into and out of the condominium complex. Parking is not allowed in front of
    garages if no apron exists. Also, this Right of Way must remain clear to allow any emergency vehicles access to
    all areas should the need arise. Stopping alongside of the Right of Way is only permitted for quick drop-offs or
    pick-ups, in which case emergency flashers should be used.
    Please inform service technicians and workers that they may park inside the gated area only in designated white
    curbed service/delivery parking spaces or on your assigned apron while they work. For services requiring greater
    than 30 minutes vehicle owners must post a notice in windshield indicating unit # where work is being
    performed. Residents must inform their service tech of this requirement.
    White curbs – Resident and commercial owners and/or employee parking is not allowed in any area designated
    as Parking for Delivery and Service Vehicles Only, except for drop-off or short-term delivery using flashers with a
    parking limit of 30 minutes.
    Yellow curbs – No vehicles are permitted to park in areas designated with a yellow curb.
    Fire Hydrants – Any vehicle parked in front of a fire hydrant is subject to towing without notice and/or ticketing
    by law enforcement or code compliance.
    12 Open space parking spots –12 open spaces are for Residential Vehicle Parking only with a valid COA parking
    sticker with a 48-hour parking limit.
    These parking rules apply to all vehicles, whether those of the resident, resident’s contractors, commercial
    owners or employees or any guest. The resident or commercial owner is responsible for violations by their
    employees, contractors, and guests. This includes any vehicle owned or used by residents’ friends or family
    members and parked on the property for any length of time.
    All residents shall register ALL motor vehicles with the Association Office and be issued a vehicle identification
    decal. These decals must be displayed in a clearly visible location, i.e., the driver’s side of windshield. Since the
    parking situation at Tuscany Square is extremely limited, the decals are for the purpose of controlling parking.
    Residents must provide pertinent vehicle identification data in order that all registered vehicles may be properly
    identified. To request additional parking stickers for your vehicles that do not yet have them, please visit
    https://tuscanysquarecondominium.org and complete the parking sticker Request form. Visitors may park in a
    unit’s assigned garage, parking apron, or overflow parking lot only.
    All parking violations are subject to immediate towing at the vehicle owner’s expense.
    This rule supersedes all previous parking rules and Parking Violation Policy.

  1. VEHICLE RESTRICTIONS: No mobile home, recreational vehicles, motor homes, trailers, trucks having a loading capacity of more than one-ton, all-terrain vehicles, commercial vehicles, boats, or other watercraft shall be permitted to be parked or located on the Condominium Property at any time. Owners shall be responsible for maintaining their automobiles {which, for purposes hereunder, shall be deemed to include trucks (except as otherwise prohibited herein) and motorcycles} in at least an ordinary and working condition. No vehicle may occupy more than one parking space at a given time. No vehicle repair or professional detailing is permitted within the complex gated areas. 

Personal vehicle washing is allowed in 2 areas of the complex where water hoses are located, next to the pedestrian gate by building 1 and the area between building 5 and 6.

  1. COMMON ELEMENTS AND LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS: No garbage cans, supplies, recycling containers, potted plants or other articles shall be placed on the common elements and limited common elements of the Condominium except as authorized by the Association, nor shall any linens, cloths, clothing, curtains, rugs, mops or laundry of any kind, or other articles, be shaken or hung from any of the windows, doors, balconies or entry ways, or exposed on any part of the limited common elements or common elements. No sign or banner may be displayed from a balcony or residential window. The limited common elements and common elements shall be kept free and clear of rubbish, debris, and other unsightly material. No clothesline or similar device shall be allowed on any portion of the Condominium property, nor shall clothes be hung anywhere within the Condominium property except within a unit. Wreaths, doormats, and holiday decorations are permitted. Holiday decorations must be removed within 14 days.
  1. DAMAGE TO THE COMMON ELEMENTS CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE, MISUSE, OR NEGLECT OF A UNIT OWNER OR TENANT (adopted August 2018): Declarations, Section 7: Maintenance and Repairs, 7.1.(a) Common Elements… states, “However, the Association shall not perform such maintenance… to the extent maintenance arises from or is necessitated by the negligence, misuse or neglect of a specific Unit Owner in which case such cost and expense shall be paid solely by the unit owner or tenant.” The damages shall include, but are not limited to, labor (hourly rate for maintenance employee for time involved), materials, mileage, and video research flat fee of $50.00.
  1. GARAGES: The parking Garages and uncovered spaces shall be used in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration and any regulations duly promulgated by the Association. No vehicle which cannot operate on its own power shall remain on the Condominium Property for more than 24 hours, and no repair of vehicles shall be made on the Condominium Property. The types of vehicles permitted on the Condominium Property shall be as stated in the Declaration.
  1. GARAGE DOORS: Garage doors are always to remain closed unless the resident is present inside the garage or it is being used for ingress or egress of a vehicle. Garage doors should not be left opened. If for any reason the garage door is inoperable, please contact the COA or maintenance.
  1. NOISE: No unit owner shall make or permit any disturbing noises by himself, his family, pets, employees, agents, visitors, and licensees (including, but not limited to, vocal and instrumental instruction or operation of televisions, stereos, radios, or the like), nor do or permit anything by such persons that will interfere with the rights, comforts, or convenience of the unit owners.
  1. ABSENCE: Each unit owner who plans to be absent from such unit owner’s unit during a hurricane season shall remove all items not permanently affixed to any limited common element balcony or patio appurtenant to such owner’s unit prior to departure.
  1. FALLING OBJECTS: Where applicable, no Unit Owner shall allow anything whatsoever to fall from the windows, balconies, entryways, or doors, nor shall such Unit Owner sweep or throw any dirt or other substance from such Owner’s Unit or the Limited Common Elements appurtenant to such Owner’s Unit onto the Common Elements or any portion of the Condominium Property.
  1. TRASH: Refuse and bagged garbage shall be deposited only in the area provided on each floor. Extra-large or bulky items, like sofas or appliances, must not be placed in the trash dumpsters or trash rooms. Removal of such items is the responsibility of the owner/renter and shall be coordinated by contacting Waste Pro at 386.788.8890. Any expense incurred by the Association to dispose of such items will be assessed to the unit owner. 

Do not put large items down the trash chutes as they can become clogged. Take large trash bags to the dumpster in trash room on the first floor. Also, break down all boxes and then put into the dumpster on the first floor.

  1. PATIOS OR PORCHES: Except as may be otherwise provided in the Declaration, no awning, canopy, shutter, or other projection shall be attached to or placed upon the outside walls or doors or roof of a Unit or building without the written consent of the Board of Directors. Patios or porches may not be enclosed, which includes the screening of same, nor may anything be affixed to the walls within such patios or porches or entryways, it being the Developer’s intention to maintain the uniform appearance of the exterior of the building.
  1. BALCONIES: No Limited Common Element balcony, shall be permitted to be enclosed, either by screening or other permanent structures or materials, it being the intention of the Developer to maintain the uniform appearance of the exterior of the Building; provided, however, that hurricane shutters may be installed over the windows and glass surfaces in accordance with Section 718.113, Florida Statutes, and also approved roll down screens pursuant to rules promulgated therefor by the Association.
  1. DISPLAYING THE AMERICAN FLAG (adopted August 2018): In accordance with the Condominium Act and The American Flag Act, any resident may display the American Flag on limited common area appurtenant to their unit. The amended law includes the official flag of the state of Florida, the flags of the armed services and the POW/MIA flag regardless of the governing documents.
  1. OUTSIDE FURNITURE: A resident shall not place or use any item thereon or upon any portion of the Common Elements without the approval and as designated by the Board of Directors.
  1. FLUIDS: No inflammable, combustible, or explosive fluid, chemical or substance shall be kept in any Unit or Limited Common Element appurtenant thereto or storage areas, except such as are required for normal household use.

18 BARBECUE GRILLS: Barbecue grills shall not be permitted on the Limited Common Elements appurtenant to a Unit. The Association may, but without obligation, designate one or more sites on the Common Elements for use of barbeque grills by an Owner, provided, however, such Owner shall be solely responsible for any damage to person or property resulting from such usage.

19. MODIFICATIONS: All modifications to the exterior of the Unit must be approved in writing by the Board, or a committee designated by the Board and headed by an officer of the Association, prior to commencement of such work to maintain the character and to preserve the aesthetic and architectural qualities of the Condominium. The Association shall promulgate rules and regulations in accordance with the foregoing. In addition, certain modifications to the interior of the unit require prior review by the ARC to assure that no structural issues will result. Please review the property modification form on the website for more information at PropModForm – Tuscany Square I Condominiums (tuscanysquarecondominium.org)

  1. FLOOR COVERING: No hard-surfaced floor covering shall be installed within a Residential Unit unless such covering is first approved in writing by the Board of Directors and includes sound-absorbing backing materials as required by Florida Building Code, Chapter 12, Section 1207 (1207.1, 1207.2, 1207.3)
  1. COMPLIANCE: In the event a Unit Owner fails to maintain a Unit or fails to cause such Unit to be maintained, or fails to observe and perform all of the provisions of the Declaration, the By-Laws, the Articles of Incorporation, applicable rules and regulations, or any other agreement, document or instrument affecting the Condominium Property or administered by the Association, in the manner required, the Association shall have the right to proceed in a court of equity to require performance and/or compliance, to impose any applicable fines or to sue in a court of law for damages. For purposes of this Declaration, the failure of an Occupant who is not a Unit Owner to comply with the terms and provisions of this Declaration shall not relieve the Unit Owner from liability and responsibility.
  1. RULES: The Board of Directors may, from time to time, adopt or amend rules and regulations governing the details of the operation, use, maintenance, management and control of the Units, Common Elements or Limited common Elements or other property of the Condominium or services made available to the Unit Owners. A copy of any additional rules and regulations adopted from time to time, as herein provided, shall from time to time be posted in a conspicuous place and/or copies of same shall be furnished to each Unit Owner.
  1. CONFLICT: In the event of any conflict between the rules and regulations adopted or from time to time amended and the Condominium documents or the Florida Condominium Act, the latter shall prevail. If any unreconciled conflict should exist or hereafter arise with respect to the interpretation of these By-Laws and the Declaration, the provisions of said Declaration shall prevail. All issues or disputes which are recognized by the Florida Condominium Act or by administrative rules promulgated under the Florida Condominium Act as being appropriate or required for mediation or arbitration shall be resolved through such alternative resolution procedures instead of civil litigation.
  1. ACCESS TO UNITS AND KEYS: The Association has the irrevocable right of access to each Unit and appurtenant Limited Common Elements (including garages) during reasonable hours as may be necessary for the maintenance, repair or replacement of any Common Elements or of any portion of a Unit to be maintained by the Association pursuant to the Declaration of Condominium or the Condominium Act, or as necessary to prevent damage to the Common Elements or to any Unit or Units (including extermination services), or for the required fire inspection of the units. In furtherance of this provision, all owners are required to deposit a key to the Unit and garages with the Association. The locks of each Unit and garage are not to be changed or altered without providing the Association with a duplicate key. Keys will be kept in a locked box in the maintenance office. The Association Manager, the Board President, and the Maintenance Supervisor will be the only persons with access to the locked box. 

Keys for non residential units will be kept in a separate locked box located on property. The TTCA Manager, TSQ1 Board President & Maintenance Supervisor will be the only persons with access to the TTCA Lock Box.

  1. AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES OF THE ASSOCIATION: Agents or employees of the Association shall not be sent off the Condominium Property by any Unit Owner at any time for any purpose. No Unit Owner or resident shall direct, supervise, or in any manner attempt to assert any control over the agents or employees of the Association. The direct supervision of Association employees is relegated to the Association President and Vice President. All complaints/issues must be directed to the BOD.

Approved by BOD on February 22, 2024

Construction Regulations

To minimize the negative impact of construction activity on the residents of TSQ1, anyone who engages in construction within a Residential or Commercial unit is required to adhere to the following regulations:

Starting time – The normal starting time is 8am. 

Ending time– The normal ending time is 5pm. 

Weekday Construction – Construction is allowed on Monday to Friday.

Weekend Construction – Weekend construction must be pre-approved by the TSQ1 Liaison during the preceding week. Requests should be sent to the TSQ1 Liaison via the Property Modification form or the Contact Us page on the TSQ1 website, tuscanysquarecondominium.org, describing the type of construction activity. Construction with noisy, heavy-duty equipment will not be permitted under any circumstances during weekends.

Clean Up – The driveway is a common element. The Contractor or the Resident must clean up all debris and remove all material from the driveway.

Driveway Parking – The Contractor may park one or two trucks in designated interior locations that are close to the construction site. Equipment and materials may be unloaded as needed by the GC.  However, these trucks must be moved to the exterior parking lot after the delivery is completed.

Driveway Closure – If the driveway must be closed to accommodate the construction, the GC must inform the TSQ1 Liaison no later than 2 days prior to the driveway closure.

Sanitary Facilities – The bathrooms in the North Breezeway outside of the gated area of the building will be unlocked during construction hours.  The GC will be given a FOB to be used when reentering the gated area.

Fire Alarm – The GC must inform the TSQ1 or a Board member no later than 2 days prior to any scheduled fire alarm test.

GC Representative – Whenever the GC is not present on site, the GC must inform the TSQ1 Liaison of the identity of the on-site manager who will have full responsibility for all ongoing construction activities.

Common Elements – The GC cannot make any attachment to or alter the configuration of any common element without the prior approval of the ARC Committee.


TSQ1 Liaison – Nancy Graves – 386-478-8876                                                                            April 17, 2023

Property Modifications

Please note that any change, alteration, addition, or modification to the external appearance or structure of a condominium unit or its assigned garage, must receive prior approval by the Association’s Board of Directors. In addition, certain modifications to the interior of the unit require prior review by the Board to assure that no structural issues will result. The Association’s review and approval process is not limited to the following, but will take into consideration: the design, final look, structural soundness of the modification requested and the contractor’s ability to perform the scope of work. There may, in some cases, be pre-approved products that have been selected by the Association for uniformity from unit to unit.

Click here for Property Modification Request Form

Parking Regulations

No parking on the Right of Way. There are two signs clearly posted at the gated entrance that state this. The
Right of Way is defined as the U-shaped driveway on the interior of the complex. No motor vehicle shall be
parked on the Right of Way in a manner that obstructs the safe, free flow of vehicular traffic or obstructs the
movement of other vehicles into and out of the condominium complex. Parking is not allowed in front of
garages if no apron exists. Also, this Right of Way must remain clear to allow any emergency vehicles access to
all areas should the need arise. Stopping alongside of the Right of Way is only permitted for quick drop-offs or
pick-ups, in which case emergency flashers should be used.
Please inform service technicians and workers that they may park inside the gated area only in designated white curbed service/delivery parking spaces or on your assigned apron while they work. For services requiring greater than 30 minutes vehicle owners must post a notice in windshield indicating unit # where work is being
performed. Residents must inform their service tech of this requirement.

White curbs – Resident and commercial owners and/or employee parking is not allowed in any area designated
as Parking for Delivery and Service Vehicles Only, except for drop-off or short-term delivery using flashers with a
parking limit of 30 minutes.

Yellow curbs – No vehicles are permitted to park in areas designated with a yellow curb.

Fire Hydrants – Any vehicle parked in front of a fire hydrant is subject to towing without notice and/or ticketing
by law enforcement or code compliance.

12 Open space parking spots –12 open spaces are for Residential Vehicle Parking only with a valid COA parking sticker with a 48-hour parking limit.

These parking rules apply to all vehicles, whether those of the resident, resident’s contractors, commercial
owners or employees or any guest. The resident or commercial owner is responsible for violations by their
employees, contractors, and guests. This includes any vehicle owned or used by residents’ friends or family
members and parked on the property for any length of time.

All residents shall register ALL motor vehicles with the Association Office and be issued a vehicle identification
decal. These decals must be displayed in a clearly visible location, i.e., the driver’s side of windshield. Since the
parking situation at Tuscany Square is extremely limited, the decals are for the purpose of controlling parking.

Residents must provide pertinent vehicle identification data in order that all registered vehicles may be properly
identified. To request additional parking stickers for your vehicles that do not yet have them, please visit
https://tuscanysquarecondominium.org and complete the parking sticker Request form.

Visitors may park in a unit’s assigned garage, parking apron, or overflow parking lot only.

All parking violations are subject to immediate towing at the vehicle owner’s expense.
This rule supersedes all previous parking rules and Parking Violation Policy.



Access Gate Instructions and Parking Permits

Directory Name: This is the name that will appear on the entry system at the gate. The system will display the first initial and last name of the person(s) occupying the unit. Your unit number will NOT appear on the directory system. 

Resident Phone Number: This phone number will be called automatically by the access gate system when a visitor arrives. When you answer the phone, a two-way conversation is initiated with the person at the gate. Pressing ‘9’ on your phone will open the gate and end the call immediately.

Directory Number: This is a three digit number assigned to the resident phone number in the directory system.

When you are expecting a guest or any other non-residents, including workmen, deliverymen, movers etc., you should instruct them to use the directory system at the callbox located next to the vehicle and pedestrian entry gates. They will press the up or down arrow to see an alphabetic listing of last names. (Your unit number will NOT appear on the directory system.)  Next to your name will be the directory number. When the directory number is entered, the System will call the resident phone number you provided to us.  Once the resident has answered the call, they have two options:

– Dial “9” to grant access (do a long press if you are using a cell phone)

– Hang up to disconnect the call and deny access

You have 60 seconds to complete the call with the individual at the entry gate, however pressing “9” to allow access immediately disconnects the call.

If the resident is on the phone and has call waiting, they will be notified that someone is at the gate via the normal call waiting procedure. The caller ID from the gate access system is “Gate System”.

If the resident phone number you supplied is a cell phone number, there will be no caller ID from the gate system until you add it to your contacts list on your cell phone.

Parking Permits

Vehicles belonging to residents will be given a white and green, numbered parking sticker that can be attached to the car’s windshield. The stickers will enable our staff to identify illegally parked vehicles, so they can contact the towing service for immediate removal of the vehicle. We also want to alert all residents to the yellow No Parking signs that are painted on the entrance to the six buildings and the four exterior trash receptacles.  It is illegal to park in these areas, and any unoccupied vehicle parked in these areas will be towed.

Roof Access Policy

If your A/C contractor needs access to the roof for diagnostics or minor repairs, please call or text Nancy Graves, TSQ1 Liaison, 386-478-8876 for the roof code.

If you are going to replace your AC unit you will need to contact TSQ1 Liaison to confirm that we have a Certificate of Insurance on file for your contractor, and at least 24 hours prior to installation, submit a Property Modification form found at Tuscanysquarecondominium.org website, including the vendor’s Name, address, phone number and the date and time-frame they expect to install the new equipment on the roof.  If the A/C replacement involves the use of a lift/crane, 24hrs notice must be given to TSQ1 Liaison for coordination with maintenance. All contractors/operators MUST be licensed to operate the equipment being used, and must supply and utilize all necessary safety equipment including cones, caution tape, etc. Roof access code will be supplied by TSQ1 Liaison and TSQ1 maintenance will escort contractor personnel to the roof worksite and inspect the work area. Owners or contractors are responsible for informing TSQ1 Liaison that the work is complete. TSQ1 Maintenance will reinspect the work area & report roof condition to TSQ1 Liaison.  The owner will be responsible for any damage caused by their contractor.

If you have an Air Conditioning company that you prefer, please send an email to tsq1coa@gmail.com with your vendor’s name and phone number and we will contact them for a Certificate of Insurance to keep on file.

BOD July 15, 2023

Move-In and Move-Out Regulations

All residential and commercial move-ins and move-outs must notify Leland Management, or Tuscany Condo COA by email,  of the day and time of the move. Call 386-310-2874. The management company will approve and advise the moving company of a specific location for their vehicles within the driveway circle.  Every attempt will be made to provide a convenient location.  However, if a suitable space cannot be found on the circle, the moving vehicle must wait outside on Luna Bella Lane until space becomes available.  The driveway circle is a NO PARKING/FIRE ZONE area, and fire vehicle access is required at all times.  There is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTION to this requirement.

Residential units:  All residential sales or leases must be preceded by an “Application for Purchase/Lease.”  They shall include a check for the appropriate amount, made payable and delivered to:

Jynell Martz, CAM

  • Each new owner shall notify the Association promptly by delivering a copy of their deed to the unit to the Association and the management firm.
  • No unit shall be sold or leased unless the owner first receives a certificate from the Association that all assessments have been paid in full.
  • A $300 refundable deposit must accompany a move-in/move-out notification.   This amount will be used to pay for any damage that may occur to the common areas, including the elevator, stairwells, hallways, etc.  Our maintenance staff (386-478-6050) will pad the elevator cab to protect it from damage.  After the move is completed, a member of the maintenance staff and/or condo board will review the condition of the common areas and provide a list of the damages, if any, to the owner of the unit. Any refund due will be processed as soon as any damaged common areas have been repaired.  If the damage exceeds the deposit, the moving/delivery company/personnel shall be billed.
  • If either a new residential owner or a new renter moves in and the management company is NOT notified of the moving day, a $100 Inspection Fee will be added to the unit’s first monthly maintenance fee.
  • If an owner or a renter moves out and fails to notify the management company, a $100 Inspection Fee will be added to the unit’s last monthly maintenance fee.
  • NO large, bulky items such as furniture, appliances, etc. can be transported in the elevator unless protective padding has been installed. Call 386-478-8876 to have pads installed. Using the elevator without this padding will result in a $100 Inspection Fee that will be added to the unit’s next monthly maintenance fee, plus the cost of any damage that results.
  • Moving is NOT permitted before 8:00 am or on SUNDAY after 7 pm. A violation will result in a $100 Inspection Fee that will be added to the unit’s monthly maintenance fee and any detected damage will be charged to the unit owner.

Pet Rules and Regulations

It is the responsibility of all dog owners to remove their dog’s waste from the grounds.  Note also that dogs are not permitted to urinate in the landscaped areas either on the rocks or in the shrubs!  The urine smell remains until it rains, and the urine has a negative effect on the health of the shrubs and trees that are planted in these areas. Take your canines to the large fields either north or east of the complex. 

 If the above rules are not followed, the Board will levy cleanup charges on the pet owner, and, if noncompliance persists, will require removal of the pet from Tuscany Square.  (Section 18.6 Declaration of Condominium-Tuscany Square and Section 2.13 Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Venetian Bay Subdivision provide the Board with full authorization to execute these actions). 

First offense: $50.00 cleanup charge and a warning letter outlining the violation.

Second offense: $100.00 cleanup charge

Third offense: 100.00 cleanup charge and removal of pet from Tuscany Square.


The following is an excerpt from Section 18.6 of the Rules and Restrictions:

An Occupant may maintain no more than 2 four-legged pets in the Unit, to be limited solely to dogs (not to exceed 20 pounds each) or cats, provided same are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose, do not become a nuisance or annoyance to neighbors and are first registered with the Association. The only other pets permitted upon the Condominium Property shall be birds and fish, which animals (a) shall not be kept in or on the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements but which shall be required to be within the boundaries of a Unit at all times and (b) shall not become a nuisance or annoyance to neighbors.

Clean UpThe owners of the pet must pick up all solid wastes of their pet and dispose of such wastes appropriately. All dogs and cats must be kept on a leash no more than six (6) feet in length at all times when outside the Unit and shall be walked only within areas, if any, designated for such purpose by the Association or the Master Association. No pets may be kept in or upon any Limited Common Element appurtenant to a Unit (the balcony) when the owner of the pet is not in the Unit. The owner of a pet shall indemnify the Association and the Developer and hold them harmless from and against any loss or liability of any kind or character whatsoever arising from such owner’s having any pet upon the condominium Property. All owners of pets are required to clean up all pet droppings deposited on the Common Elements. If any pet owner fails to clean up after the pet, the Association shall perform such service or cause such service to be performed and charge the offending pet owner for the costs associated therewith.

Any complaints filed by residents of damage caused by a pet shall be submitted in writing to the Board, which shall determine the amount of the damage and notify the person who owns the pet in writing to make the necessary repair, replacement or removal (as the case may be). lf such person fails to properly act within 15 days from the date of such notice, or fails to otherwise reach an agreement in writing with the Board as to the payment for such damage or remedying any other violation within 15 days from the date of such notice, such person shall be required to permanently remove the pet from the Condominium Property. Payment for damages pursuant to this subsection shall not be in lieu of any right of action which the person sustaining the damage shall be entitled to independently.

Any pet complaint filed with the Association, whether or not such complaint involves damage as described in the above paragraph, shall be verified by a designated member of the Board of Directors. Each verified pet complaint shall constitute an infraction for purposes of this subsection. The Board shall take action with regard to such infractions as follows:

(a) If the complaint is the first infraction, the Board shall notify the pet owner of the infraction in writing and formally request that no such infraction again occur.

(b) If the complaint is the second infraction, the Board shall notify the pet owner and warn such owner that the next infraction will cause a penalty fine to be assessed.

(c) lf the complaint is the third infraction, the Board shall notify the pet owner of the continuing violation and refer the matter to a committee of three (3) Unit Owners, none of whom shall be presently serving on the Board or be related to a director or the offending pet owner, for a determination as to a fine for the continuing infraction. Such committee shall, within 7 days following issuance of the notice of third infraction to the offending pet owner, determine whether a fine should be levied for such continuing infraction and provide a recommendation thereon to the Board. The amount of any fine shall not exceed the maximum amount allowed under the applicable provisions of Section 718.303, Florida Statutes. If a fine is recommended by such committee, the Board shall issue a written notice to the offending pet owner advising of the levying of the fine. However, such fine shall not become due and owing until such pet owner has received such written notice and has been given the opportunity to request a hearing before the committee of Unit Owners described in this subsection (c) at a time and date which shall not be more than 30 days after the date of such notice. In the event the offending pet owner elects not to seek such a hearing, the recommendation of a fine made by the committee shall become binding upon the Association and the pet owner. If such a hearing is held the decision of the committee as to whether to rescind, modify or ratify the proposed fine shall be binding upon the Association and the pet owner. All decisions made by such committee shall be made by majority vote.

(d) If the complaint is the fourth infraction, the Board shall notify the pet owner and demand that the pet be removed from the Condominium Property within 30 days from notice. Prior to taking the action contemplated in this subsection (d), such pet owner shall have the same opportunity for notice and a hearing as provided in subsection (c) above.

Infractions for purposes of this Section shall accumulate only on the basis of separate 12 month periods with each new period commencing on the annual anniversary date of this Declaration (“Infraction Period”) In other words, the number of infractions in any Infraction Period shall not be carried forward into the next Infraction Period for purposes of the enforcement of this Section.

Proper Use of Dumpsters and Trash Chutes

As you may have noticed, the “Authorized Personnel Only” signs on the 1st floor trash rooms have been painted black. Some residents considered these trash rooms “Off Limits” when in reality; they are specifically for residents use. There are trash chutes on every floor near the elevators for your convenience. Use the trash chute if your refuse will fit into it, however, if it is too large to go down the chute, please take it downstairs and dispose of it in the dumpster. Do not leave anything in the trash rooms on the residential floors. Unfortunately, we do not have a recycling program at this time, so everything goes in the dumpster. Trash pickup is every Monday and Thursday (at no particular time). 

The dumpsters located outside, around the driveway, are for commercial tenant use only. These dumpsters are much smaller and fill up quickly, so please reserve these for commercial use only.

2024 Approved Budget