Message from the President – August 2016

Message from the President

August, 2016

In our July meeting, we had seven owners in attendance. I am very appreciative of the owner interest in our association and I am grateful for the positive feedback I have received from them and from other owners regarding the progress they are seeing at TSQ1.

A few months ago  several owners suggested that they would like to attend our meetings but were unable to participate because our meetings were held in the afternoon.  We started looking for a venue that met our requirements and another owner, Ed Roddy, stepped up and arranged for us to hold our meetings downstairs at Cross Creek Community Church (Venetian Bay Church).  Effective August 25, 2016 we will be meeting downstairs at 6:00PM.  A big thank you to Ed Roddy for getting involved and I hope to see more owners at future Board meetings.

Speaking of getting involved, we have a resident, Sally Spurney, who has volunteered to create an herb garden for the use of all residents.  As soon is the painting of building 5 is complete we will be planting the garden.  Thank you to Sally Spurney for offering your time and expertise to compliment TSQ1.

Lawsuit:  As you all know, our communication regarding the lawsuit has been very vague because of a confidentiality order that was imposed at mediation. That order has been lifted slightly (not completely) and I am pleased to inform you that the lawsuit was, in fact, settled at the mediation in July with all parties except the developer.  Per the mediator, the terms of the settlement will remain confidential until the settlement agreement is signed.  The settlement agreement has different language since it involves an assignment and a release.  The terms of that agreement are being drafted by our attorney and the other attorneys involved.  Once the agreement is signed by all parties the terms of the settlement will be made available to you. Thank you for your patience during this process and as soon as I have more information I will communicate it.

JOINDER:  Just a reminder, If you intend to sign the joinder and have not yet done so, please mail it in at your earliest convenience.

Construction: We are progressing right on schedule.  Building 5 & 6 are the two largest buildings in the complex and 6 is completed and 5 is almost there and 4 is being grinded, pressure washed and primed. The finished product looks beautiful and I appreciate your tolerance during this dusty, congested, noisy time.  I assure you, the end result will be well worth it.

LELAND MANAGEMENT: We have been working with John Dougherty, Division Manager and Mike Michalek, our association manager on details regarding the transition to take place on September 1, 2016. Changing management companies is a gigantic undertaking and things will be very chaotic for the first couple of months. We spent a couple of hours today walking the property with 4 representatives of Leland, including John & Mike. They will report back to us with landscaping and maintenance recommendations within the next week.

You will be receiving a “Welcome Letter” from Leland Mgt in the near future. In the meantime here are some contact names and numbers for your information.
Customer Service Dept – 407-781-1188

   Community Assn Manager – Mark Michalek, LCAM – 386-310-2874

   Senior Community Manager – Chad Peck, LCAM – 352-364-5374

Proposed Rule Regarding Key To All Units: As you are all aware, we will be having our annual fire and pest control inspections August 22, 2016 – August 26, 2016. During our attempt to verify access to all units for these inspections questions arose about the legality of our key policy. We requested a legal opinion from our attorney and they confirmed that our documents, which mirror Florida Statutes give us the authority to have a key to every unit but in order to enforce it we must adopt a rule, which we will be doing at our next board meeting and you all should have received our notice in the mail.  I would like to thank the majority of owners who have complied with our key policy.  At this time, we only have one or two owners who are non-compliant.

I would like to thank our Board members for all of their contributions, Steve and Matt for all that they do (in the hot sun!!) and Skip for our “technical support” etc, etc. and Thank You to the Owners for your constant support and kind words.


Nancy Graves
President, TSQ1 COA
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