Message from the President – July 2016

Message from the President

July 2016


First of all, I would like to introduce myself.  I am Nancy Graves, a resident of Tuscany Square 1 since 2013  and as of the June 2016 meeting I am the President of the Tuscany Square 1 Condo Association.  I would like to thank the previous President, Lloyd Morris, who stepped down for personal reasons but will remain on the Board as a Director. As you know, Lloyd served as a catalyst to begin ongoing construction of our building. We will remain grateful for his contribution.

Starting in September the minutes of our meetings will become more concise as we will be using the Roberts Rules version of minutes. As a result of this I will be giving you more updated information in this message.

 We have many things going on at Tuscany Square 1 at this time so I am only going to highlight the major items.

LAWSUIT: A second mediation was held on July 5, 2016. We were unable to conclude the litigation at that time.  Hopefully I can give you some definitive information by the end of the month.

CONSTRUCTION:  “EXCUSE OUR DUST”  has taken on a whole new meaning to all of us as we are living right in the middle of it!! It’s noisy, it’s dusty, it’s congested, but………’s BEAUTIFUL!!!  Power washing of the roof has been concluded, and all expansion joints have been replaced. Major stucco and roof repairs are ongoing. Bldg 6 is almost complete and I love seeing that beautiful shine on the new paint, knowing that the repairs have been concluded and the building and roof is now waterproofed!

Steve Joyce is wearing two hats at this time – Maintenance Supervisor and Construction Project Manager. We are very fortunate that Steve has the experience and knowledge to work in this capacity for us as this temporary assignment has saved the association a great deal of money.  We must ask all residents to refrain from discussing the construction with the workers. They are being paid hourly and lengthy conversation is counterproductive. All questions/concerns regarding construction should be addressed to Steve Joyce, 386-478-6050.

The construction project is expected to take approximately 8 months to conclude.

CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT COMPANY:  Effective September 1, 2016 we will be changing management companies and have contracted with Leland Management to replace Atlantic Shores Mgt. Mark Michalek will be the CAM (Community Association Manager) assigned to TSQ1.  We are presently working with Leland Mgt to make the transition as smooth as possible and will keep you advised of pertinent information. The Board is looking forward to working with Leland Mgt to increase our efficiency and oversee our compliance.

The Board is also grateful to Mark Roskamp and Atlantic Shores Mgt. for their years of service and for the relationship we had developed with them.

JOINDER:  At the last meeting, the Board voted to move forward to seek written joinders to ratify Amendment 2 and 3 of our Declaration which were previously recorded by the original Developer. These amendments were recorded many years ago and only recently did it come to our attention that the amendments were incomplete. GeoSam Capital, who purchased all units owned by the original Developer brought this to our attention and since then has worked with the Board and our Attorney, Scott Kiernan of Becker & Poliakoff to ratify these amendments.

You will be receiving a letter and a written consent and joinder in the mail.  This letter was drafted by our attorney and signed by the Board. If you consent to the ratification of these amendments please sign the form and mail it back in the stamped, self addressed envelope.  For those living in the building, you can use the self addressed envelope and place it in the mail or place the signed consent in the drop box on Bldg. 6 or contact me at 386-299-7350 and I will pick it up.   If  anyone does not wish to approve the ratification simply do not respond.

THANK YOU TO SKIP, STEVE & MATT!!: In case you haven’t noticed, we have a beautiful “grill” area with pavers, grill, picnic table and beautiful plants! Still to come….two benches and a fountain…all for your enjoyment!

I think the recent minutes are quite conclusive about other items and not necessary for me to reiterate.

In conclusion, I believe Tuscany Square 1 is a great place to live and we are moving in the right direction.  We have endured many obstacles but we are almost over the hump. I hope you are all seeing this. I think you are as we have received several complimentary emails regarding the progress and the positive comments are starting to outweigh the negative!

We are hoping to get more owners involved, on committees etc and starting to have some social activities…you’ll hear more about this at a later date. We still have an opening on the Board and if anyone is interested please contact me…BE A PART OF THE TRANSFORMATION!!!



Nancy Graves

President, TSQ1 COA


PS: I promise, future messages will not be as lengthy!!

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