Message from the President – September 2016

Message from the President

September, 2016


Our first evening meeting was held on Aug. 25 at Cross Creek Church at 6:00PM. We had a total of six new faces and we were very happy to have them join us.  We immediately realized we needed a larger room and will be using a larger room in their building for the next meeting. We are very grateful to Cross Creek Church for making their facility available to us at no charge. I am going to make every effort to shorten the meetings.

LANDSCAPING: During the meeting I was discussing the herb garden, being planned by resident, Helen Spurney, and mentioned that we were going to purchase some large coquina rocks as focal points in the garden. Bruce Watson, non-resident owner, let us know that he had several rocks at this property in Mims, Fl that he would donate to the association.  Steve and Matt picked them up and are preparing to place them in our landscaping and future herb garden. Thank you so much Bruce Watson.

Our new management company recently did a “walk around” with Steve and some members of the Board. One of their employees is an arborist and he supplied us with a comprehensive report regarding the state of our landscaping. We are going to follow his recommendations and needless to say, our landscaping will be a “work in progress” for months to come!!

CONSTRUCTION PROJEC/BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS: Steve reported that we are very close to being at the half-way point. I spoke to the contractor last week and they are on schedule and will be sealing the roof in the very near future. When we contracted with Ace Enterprises to do the work we only had them bid on the work we could pay for at the time.  I have now asked him to give us a bid on the walkways and the garages in the center of the parking lot. The roofers are also on schedule.

We will be replacing the floors in the elevators in the very near future and we are looking at putting an epoxy product on the concrete pads outside of the elevators.

LAWSUIT:  On July 5, 2016 the lawsuit settled with all parties except the Developer.

FIRE INSPECTIONS AND PEST CONTROL:  The inspections took place on 8/24/16. We only had a few deficiencies in residential/commercial units and we will be notifying these unit owners in the very near future to correct the problems. The alarm inspection had to be rescheduled and will take place on Tues., September 20 from 8AM until finished.

LELAND MANAGEMENT: The Board has been extremely busy working with Mark Michalek, our new CAM and other members of the Leland Staff to complete our transition.  By now you have all received the “Welcome Letter” from Leland and should be receiving new coupon booklets in the next few days. DO NOT MAKE YOUR SEPTEMBER PAYMENT TO ATLANTIC SHORES MGT.  As soon as you receive your new coupon booklets you can make your Sept. payment.  NO LATE FEES WILL BE ASSESSED IN SEPTEMBER. Mark will be attending our next Board Meeting on Sept. 22 at 6PM.

We have made some updates to our website and encourage you to visit at Please send us an email if you have forgotten the password for the owner’s section.

Thank you Board Members for your assistance, thank you Skip, Steve & Matt for all that you do and thank you Owners for your cooperation and support.



Nancy Graves




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